Our Philosophy - Why do we LOVE what we do?
In the beginning, we started BeastMode Silks due to the lack of silkworm availability in the U.S. When we started hatching and raising them, we found we were very successful at it. When people found out that we had silkworms, they flooded us with requests to purchase some.
The more we heard from customers on how much silkworms improved the general health of their animals, we realized that our goal should include teaching others how to properly hatch and raise silkworms. By teaching others, general awareness would increase on how amazing silkworms are, as staple feeders, to reptiles, amphibians, and fowl.
Therefore, our goals evolved to include training future silkworm breeders on the complete care of hatching, raising, and feeding silkworms, to increase awareness and availability of these great feeders in the U.S.